Model Team

An Experience like none other

Model team is open to everyone ages 13-17, with a dance or performing arts background.

Model mission statement

To exist in a state of creation one cannot live in negativity; we must create.

My studio Model Team began as a creative outlet for myself and local dance students. Over time it has evolved into a place of positivity, empowerment, self-value, and education.

Every year I choose a lucky six to eight members for the team. Through team building, photoshoots, and education this has proven to be an extraordinary experience.

Cheers -Michell

The Process

step 1


Request an application, complete with parent/guardian, and submit for review.

step 2


This is great time to get to know you and your reasons for applying. We also answer any questions before proceeding.

step 3


Michell and her team review the applications and carefully choose who the lucky members will be!


Don’t dream it, be it.

Every Model team member gets a on-set experience customized for her. We go above and beyond to design and style her editorial.

  • on-set experience
  • posing coach
  • self development
  • team and solo photoshoots
  • images for portfolio
  • end-of-year album


Truly a sisterhood.

As a team the members learn proper posing, working with lighting, confidence, and supportiveness. The models also get the opportunity to be photographed in luxurious locations such as The Palmer House Hilton downtown Chicago, IL.








Model Team

The perfect fit

Are you ready for Model Team?

Now accepting applications through July 31st, 2024.

a dream experience

“Never confuse confidence for arrogance.”

I always knew I was meant for great things and I wasn’t shy about telling everyone. Fortunately I had very supportive family and friends who knew that I was never “just dreaming” I was excited and very ambitious. I hope to be the most positive influence to everyone around me. I am here to create and everyone is welcome.

– Michell.